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Message-ID: <c3521eda4c0fc7ac262f73ac53ff694b@smtp.hushmail.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2013 09:46:36 +0200
From: magnum <john.magnum@...hmail.com>
To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: Regular Expression mode for JtR
On 27 Jun, 2013, at 22:45 , Jan Starke <jan.starke@...ofbed.org> wrote:
> The mode depends on the rexgen library, which is available on http://code.google.com/p/rexgen
> Attached you find my first attempt, which seems to be working. The cool features such as resume or fork are not implemented yet, but I will do this as far as I'm on the correct way. Could you please spend some minutes to have a look at my code and highlight mistakes of mine.
> Unfortunately, I had to change some JtR code to make it compilable with a c++ compiler (formats.h), because I knew no other way of solving the issue ("private" is a c++ keyword). Maybe you find some other drawbacks in my code and hopefully better alternatives :-)
Like Solar suggested, you should rewrite the mode in C. This way the "private" issue is solved too without changing core files. We do have a few other C++ files in Jumbo but they are considered issues needing to be fixed.
Also, I think you should rebase your patch on the bleeding-jumbo branch of GitHub and (after that) use a value for FLG_REGEX_CHK of 0x0000080000000000ULL (or whatever is the first unused of the upper 32-bits at the time).
After that, and after you add resume and node/fork support, I'll be delighted to add your mode to Jumbo.
I did test your current C++ version rebased on bleeding-jumbo, after fixing some minor issues. I enclose the resulting patch (it includes your patch and applies on top of current bleeding). For some reason, I see debug output "adding codepoint" when using ranges:
$ ../run/john -stdout -regex=ab[a-b]
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
adding codepoint 61
adding codepoint 62
2p 0:00:00:00 14.28p/s abb
Is that something I should turn off when building the library?
Download attachment "0001-First-version-of-regex-mode.patch" of type "application/octet-stream" (20999 bytes)
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