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Message-Id: <200704012341.12677.krzysiek@securenet.pl> Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2007 23:41:12 +0200 From: Krzysztof Śniadoch <krzysiek@...urenet.pl> To: owl-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: Owl-based desktop environment Grigoriy Strokin wrote: > OK, I've solved the problem with Owl not seeing my SATA hard disk by > upgrading the kernel to 2.6.18-ovz. > > Now I have to setup an Owl-based desktop environment on my laptop > before I move to Egypt, hence some newbie's questions: You really set up OWL as your desktop? I wouldn't like to scare you, but if you're not aware of Openwall's hardening policy you can easly run into troubles. Isn't it better to use other Linux based OS as desktop computer and OWL as OS for your servers (that's what Openwall was designed for) ? OWL isn't as desktop friendly as other distributions ... and I'm glad about that :D Just server based linux can't share the same security design as desktop linux and that is hard fact. All in all, you can set your OWL up as desktop computer, but you should know that this will require much more effort than it is with other linux based operating systems. -- Krzysztof Śniadoch <krzysiek at securenet.pl> http://www.securenet.pl - Information Technology http://hosting.securenet.pl - Dział Hostingu http://www.it-news.pl - serwis informacyjny IT [ GPG KeyID: 1F7969B8 ] fp: 4E13 4F89 0A17 A47F 883B 6855 421B E4E8 1F79 69B
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