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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2025 13:29:52 +0000
From: "Gary D. Gregory" <>
Subject: CVE-2025-27553: Apache Commons VFS: Possible path traversal issue
 when using NameScope.DESCENDENT 

Severity: low

Affected versions:

- Apache Commons VFS before 2.10.0


Relative Path Traversal vulnerability in Apache Commons VFS before 2.10.0.

The FileObject API in Commons VFS has a 'resolveFile' method that
takes a 'scope' parameter. Specifying 'NameScope.DESCENDENT' promises that "an exception is thrown if the resolved file is not a descendent of
the base file". However, when the path contains encoded ".."
characters (for example, "%2E%2E/bar.txt"), it might return file objects that are not
a descendent of the base file, without throwing an exception.
This issue affects Apache Commons VFS: before 2.10.0.

Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.10.0, which fixes the issue.


Arnout Engelen (finder)


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