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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 12:38:32 -0400
From: Craig Ingram <>
Subject: [kubernetes] CVE-2024-7598: Network restriction bypass via race
 condition during namespace termination

Hello Kubernetes Community,

A security issue was discovered in Kubernetes where a malicious or
compromised pod could bypass network restrictions enforced by network
policies during namespace deletion. The order in which objects are deleted
during namespace termination is not defined, and it is possible for network
policies to be deleted before the pods that they protect. This can lead to
a brief period in which the pods are running, but network policies that
should apply to connections to and from the pods are not enforced.

This issue has been rated Low (3.1)
and assigned CVE-2024-7598.

Am I vulnerable?

All clusters that rely on the NetworkPolicy API may be vulnerable.  Run the
following command to see if network policies are in use:

kubectl get --all-namespaces

Affected Versions


   kube-apiserver >= v1.3

How do I mitigate this vulnerability?

This issue can be mitigated by:


   Manually deleting pods and workload resources that orchestrate pods
   before starting namespace deletion

   Adding finalizers to network policies to prevent them from being deleted
   until the pods that they protect have been deleted first. The following
   proof-of-concept controller automates this process:


Fixed Versions


   None. A longer term comprehensive fix is proposed in the following KEP:


Users of network policies may be able to detect abuse via network logs. The
exact details of this process are environment specific.

If you find evidence that this vulnerability has been exploited, please

Additional Details

See the GitHub issue for more details:


This vulnerability was reported by John McGuinness @s1xtw03 and Aaron
Coffey @aaroncoffey.

The issue was coordinated by:

Antonio Ojea @aojea

Tim Hockin @thockin

Dan Winship @danwinship

Shane Utt @shaneutt

David Eads @deads2k

Clayton Colemon @smarterclayton

Mo Khan @enj

Craig Ingram @cji

Thank You,

Craig Ingram on behalf of the Kubernetes Security Response Committee

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