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Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2025 18:17:07 +0100
From: Kevin Guerroudj <>
Subject: Multiple vulnerabilities in Jenkins

Jenkins is an open source automation server which enables developers around
the world to reliably build, test, and deploy their software.

The following releases contain fixes for security vulnerabilities:

* Jenkins 2.500
* Jenkins LTS 2.492.2

Summaries of the vulnerabilities are below. More details, severity, and
attribution can be found here:

We provide advance notification for security updates on this mailing list:

If you discover security vulnerabilities in Jenkins, please report them as
described here:


SECURITY-3495 / CVE-2025-27622
Jenkins 2.499 and earlier, LTS 2.492.1 and earlier does not redact
encrypted values of secrets when accessing `config.xml` of agents via REST

This allows attackers with Agent/Extended Read permission to view encrypted
values of secrets.

SECURITY-3496 / CVE-2025-27623
Jenkins 2.499 and earlier, LTS 2.492.1 and earlier does not redact
encrypted values of secrets when accessing `config.xml` of views via REST

This allows attackers with View/Read permission to view encrypted values of

SECURITY-3498 / CVE-2025-27624
Jenkins 2.499 and earlier, LTS 2.492.1 and earlier does not require POST
requests for the HTTP endpoint toggling collapsed/expanded status of
sidepanel widgets (e.g., Build Queue and Build Executor Status widgets),
resulting in a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability.

This vulnerability allows attackers to have users toggle their
collapsed/expanded status of sidepanel widgets.

Additionally, as the API accepts any string as the identifier of the panel
ID to be toggled, attacker-controlled content can be stored in the victim's
user profile in Jenkins.

SECURITY-3501 / CVE-2025-27625
Various features in Jenkins redirect users to partially user-controlled
URLs inside Jenkins. To prevent open redirect vulnerabilities, Jenkins
limits redirections to safe URLs (neither absolute nor
scheme-relative/network-path reference).

In Jenkins 2.499 and earlier, LTS 2.492.1 and earlier, redirects starting
with backslash (`\`) characters are considered safe.

This allows attackers to perform phishing attacks by having users go to a
Jenkins URL that will forward them to a different site, because browsers
interpret these characters as part of scheme-relative redirects.

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