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Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 07:10:59 +0000 (UTC)
From: Andrea Cosentino <>
To: Dev <>, Users <>, 
	Apache Security Team <>, 
	"" <>, 
	"" <>
Subject: [SECURITY] New security advisory CVE-2018-8027 released for Apache

A new security advisory has been released for Apache Camel, that is fixed in
the recent 2.20.4 and 2.21.1 releases:

CVE-2018-8027: Apache Camel's Core is vulnerable to XXE in XSD validation processor

The full text of the advisory is the following:

CVE-2018-8027: Apache Camel's Core is vulnerable to XXE in XSD validation processor

Severity: MEDIUM

Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation

Versions Affected: Camel 2.20.0 to 2.20.3 and Camel 2.21.0
The unsupported Camel 2.x (2.19 and earlier) versions may be also affected.

Description: Apache Camel's Core is vulnerable to XXE External Entity vulnerability XSD validation processor.

Mitigation: 2.20.x users should upgrade to 2.20.4, 2.21.0 users should upgrade to 2.21.1. 

The JIRA tickets: and (partial fix)
refer to the various commits that resovoled the issue, and have more details.

Credit: This issue was discovered by Karel JelĂ­nek <karel dot jelinek at unicorn dot com> from Unicorn Systems.

On behalf of the Apache Camel PMC

Andrea Cosentino 
Apache Camel PMC Chair
Apache Karaf Committer
Apache Servicemix PMC Member
Twitter: @oscerd2
Github: oscerd

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