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Message-ID: <20150616180449.GB28496@TC.local>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2015 11:04:49 -0700
From: Aaron Patterson <>
Subject: [CVE-2015-1840] CSRF Vulnerability in jquery-ujs and jquery-rails

CSRF Vulnerability in jquery-ujs and jquery-rails

There is an vulnerability in jquery-ujs and jquery-rails that can be used to
bypass CSP protections and allows attackers to send CSRF tokens to attacker domains.

This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE identifier CVE-2015-1840.

Versions Affected:  All.
Not affected:       Applications which don't use jquery-ujs or jquery-rails.
Fixed Versions:     jquery-rails versions 4.0.4 and 3.1.3 and jquery-ujs 1.0.4.

In the scenario where an attacker might be able to control the href attribute of an anchor tag or
the action attribute of a form tag that will trigger a POST action, the attacker can set the
href or action to "" (note the leading space) that will be passed to JQuery,
who will see this as a same origin request, and send the user's CSRF token to the attacker domain.

The FIXED releases are available at the normal locations.

To work around this problem, change code that allows users to control the href attribute of an anchor
tag or the action attribute of a form tag to filter the user parameters.

For example, code like this:

    link_to params

to code like this:

    link_to filtered_params

    def filtered_params
      # Filter just the parameters that you trust

To aid users who aren't able to upgrade immediately we have provided patches for the
supported release series. They are in git-am format and consist of a single changeset.

* 1-0-3-jquery_ujs_csrf.patch - Patch for jquery-ujs 1.0.3.

* 3-1-2-jquery-rails-csrf.patch - Patch for jquery-rails 3.1.2.
* 4-0-3-jquery-rails-csrf.patch - Patch for jquery-rails 4.0.3.


Thanks to Ben Toews of GitHub for reporting the vulnerability to us, and working with us on a fix.

Aaron Patterson

View attachment "1-0-3-jquery_ujs_csrf.patch" of type "text/plain" (8042 bytes)

View attachment "3-1-2-jquery-rails-csrf.patch" of type "text/plain" (3240 bytes)

View attachment "4-0-3-jquery-rails-csrf.patch" of type "text/plain" (3241 bytes)

Content of type "application/pgp-signature" skipped

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