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Message-ID: <CALH-=7zPVz0iu117wBJwQuiGdN17hfeAbH-dZWbSkS6Hz2apHQ@mail.gmail.com> Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2015 22:48:02 +0100 From: Steffen Rösemann <steffen.roesemann1986@...il.com> To: oss-security@...ts.openwall.com Subject: CVE Request -- CMS Sefrengo v.1.6.0 -- SQL injection and XSS vulnerabilities Hello Josh, Steve, vendors, list. I found two SQL injection vulnerabilities and a reflecting XSS vulnerability in the content management system Sefrengo v. 1.6.0. They all reside in the administrative backend of the CMS in the following paths of a common installation: SQL injection vulnerabilities: http://{TARGET}/backend/main.php?area=con_configcat&idcat=1&idtplconf=0 http://{TARGET}/backend/main.php?area=plug&idclient=1 XSS vulnerability: http:// {TARGET}/backend/main.php?area=user&idgroup=0&order=&ascdesc=ASC&searchterm=&page=1 The SQL injection vulnerabilities can be exploited via the parameters "idcat" and "idclient". The XSS vulnerability can be exploited via the parameter "searchterm". Could you please assign a CVE-ID / CVE-IDs for it? Thank you! Greetings Steffen Rösemann References: [1] http://sroesemann.blogspot.de/2014/12/sroeadv-2014-06.html [2] http://sroesemann.blogspot.de/2015/01/report-for-advisory-sroeadv-2014-06.html [3] http://sroesemann.blogspot.de/2015/01/sroeadv-2015-04.html [4] http://sroesemann.blogspot.de/2015/01/report-for-advisory-sroeadv-2015-04.html [5] http://forum.sefrengo.org/index.php?showtopic=3360 [6] https://github.com/sefrengo-cms/sefrengo-1.x/commit/ed3ad864b8d36499402e981301d95074e583ac04 [7] http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2015/Jan/9 [8] http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2015/Jan/10
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