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Message-ID: <AANLkTikG8gao+r1aTkz-WAjhOE41YgFpVBAf62Ca4sMN@mail.gmail.com> Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 14:42:08 +0800 From: YGN Ethical Hacker Group <lists@...g.net> To: oss-security@...ts.openwall.com Subject: CVE Request: HP System Management Homepage(SMH) | Open URL Redirection Discovered by Aung Khant (aungkhant<@>yehg.net) YGN Ethical Hacker Group, Myanmar http://yehg.net/ Product: HP System Management Homepage Description: Consolidated system management information helps IT Administrators predict, diagnose, and rapidly respond to potential and actual system failures for a single server. Vendor: HP Inc (http://www.hp.com) Vulnerability Affected: URL Redirection Abuse Versions tested: 2.x.x.x Versions affected: 2.x.x.x Date published: 04-25-2010 Severity: Medium Vulnerability Detail: Attacker can lure victim to redirect to his choice of malicious site via the trusted vulnerable SMH url. From there, serious attacks such as browser exploits can be performed to compromise victim's OS. POC URL: http://x.x.x.x:2301/red2301.html?RedirectUrl=evil@...acker.com Solution: - Remove red3201.html under hpsmh\data\htdocs\ directory OR - sanitize RedirectUrl variable OR - Wait for Vendor's fix in next 4-6 months X-Ref: OWASP-TOP10-2010: A8 - Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards WASC-38 URL Redirector Abuse CWE-601: URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect') Advisory URL: http://yehg.net/lab/pr0js/advisories/hp_system_management_homepage_url_redirection_abuse X-Advisory URL: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-1586 http://osvdb.org/show/osvdb/64146 http://xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/58107 http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2010/Apr/335 http://www.juniper.net/security/auto/vulnerabilities/vuln39676.html Disclosure Timeline: 03-10-2010: found vulnerability 04-12-2010: contacted vendor @ http://welcome.hp.com/country/us/en/sftware_security.html 04-12-2010: vendor responded 04-14-2010: vendor confirmed and would release fix within 4 to 6 months. 04-25-2010: disclosed Vendor Response (HP Software Security Response Team): >We are able to duplicate the vulnerability. >I expect we can resolve the vulnerability in the next SMH patch. >Because regularly scheduled patches are easier for customers to incorporate >we prefer to resolve vulnerabilities in those patches rather than in special hotfixes. >I don't have a patch schedule, but normally SMH is patched every four to six months. ---------------- # yehg [04-25-2010] last updated: 05-06-2010 --------------------------------- Best regards, YGN Ethical Hacker Group Yangon, Myanmar http://yehg.net Our Lab | http://yehg.net/lab Our Directory | http://yehg.net/hwd
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