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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2025 16:08:52 +0100
From: Dmitry Vyukov <>
Subject: Support for -static-pie relocations


This simple program crashes when compiled with -static-pie:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() { fprintf(stderr, "Hello\n"); }

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000001170 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000000000001170 in ?? ()
#1  0x00007ffff7ffb3b8 in libc_start_init () at src/env/__libc_start_main.c:64
#2  0x00007ffff7ffb3e8 in libc_start_main_stage2 (main=0x7ffff7ffb180
<main>, argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffdc98)
    at src/env/__libc_start_main.c:92
#3  0x00007ffff7ffb0b1 in _start ()

(gdb) up
#1  0x00007ffff7ffb3b8 in libc_start_init () at src/env/__libc_start_main.c:64
64 (*(void (**)(void))a)();

(gdb) disass
Dump of assembler code for function libc_start_init:
   0x00007ffff7ffb39b <+0>: push   %rbp
   0x00007ffff7ffb39c <+1>: push   %rbx
   0x00007ffff7ffb39d <+2>: sub    $0x8,%rsp
   0x00007ffff7ffb3a1 <+6>: call   0x7ffff7ffb000 <_init>
   0x00007ffff7ffb3a6 <+11>: lea    0x2a9b(%rip),%rbx        # 0x7ffff7ffde48
   0x00007ffff7ffb3ad <+18>: lea    0x2a9c(%rip),%rbp        # 0x7ffff7ffde50
   0x00007ffff7ffb3b4 <+25>: jmp    0x7ffff7ffb3bc <libc_start_init+33>
   0x00007ffff7ffb3b6 <+27>: call   *(%rbx)
=> 0x00007ffff7ffb3b8 <+29>: add    $0x8,%rbx
   0x00007ffff7ffb3bc <+33>: cmp    %rbp,%rbx
   0x00007ffff7ffb3bf <+36>: jb     0x7ffff7ffb3b6 <libc_start_init+27>
   0x00007ffff7ffb3c1 <+38>: add    $0x8,%rsp
   0x00007ffff7ffb3c5 <+42>: pop    %rbx
   0x00007ffff7ffb3c6 <+43>: pop    %rbp
   0x00007ffff7ffb3c7 <+44>: ret
End of assembler dump.

(gdb) p /x $rbx
$1 = 0x7ffff7ffde48
(gdb) p /x *(void**)$rbx
$2 = 0x1170

This 0x1170 is probably a ctor pointer offset that wasn't relocated.

A fix would probably be calling _dl_relocate_object() somewhere on the
__libc_start_main() path.

Is there a reason this is not supported? Or merely not implemented yet?
Can't find an issue tracker nor searchable archives for previous
discussions on this...

Thanks in advance

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