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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2025 10:52:35 -0500
From: Rich Felker <>
To: Trevor Gross <>,
Subject: Re: f128 aliases for long double math symbols

On Sat, Mar 01, 2025 at 08:51:02AM +0100, Szabolcs Nagy wrote:
> * Rich Felker <> [2025-02-28 17:44:08 -0500]:
> > The reasonable way to do this would probably be with wrapper functions
> > that just call the long double function. But in general musl also
> > avoids having the set of implemented functions vary by arch. And for
> > the most part we don't even have correct quad math library functions.
> > A few that have exact/exact-rounding requirements should be working,
> > but most give just ld80-equivalent or even double precision only.
> i believe gcc provides consistent _Float128 across targets
> which can be tested with macros. and i think it's more useful
> than long double.
> so if musl is compiled with new enough compiler we could
> provide the symbols..

The problem with this and with adding *any* new interfaces that depend
on newly invented types is that it's impossible without either nasty
asm shims or requiring very new compiler versions and dropping support
for all non-monoculture compilers (firm, pcc, etc.) which are unlikely
to get support any time soon.

Since it's isolated functionality that doesn't have anything else in
libc depending on it, putting it in a separate third-party library
probably makes a lot more sense.


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