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Message-ID: <20151224002205.588ac8e8@r2lynx> Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 00:22:05 +0700 From: Рысь <lynx@...xlynx.tk> To: musl@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: musl & proprietary programs On Wed, 23 Dec 2015 15:48:53 +0100 Szabolcs Nagy <nsz@...t70.net> wrote: > * Alba Pompeo <albapompeo@...il.com> [2015-12-22 13:37:52 -0200]: > > chroot is a little better than dual-boot, but still very unfriendly > > for a day-to-day usage of many proprietary tools. > > > > on x86, binaries linked against glibc can be made to work with > musl. > > but isolating such software into a separate virtual environment > is a good idea anyway and then it's easier to use glibc based > userspace there. Well that's fine until you will not face something dynamic. A simple example: some of my machines successfully runs LibreOffice 4 inside Slackware 14 chroot. Problems start when user wants to save a document to USB stick. This is a valid use case, but fails because you end up with mounting USB stick twice. This requires wrappers. And in *DE environments they will be lost under pressure of various mount daemons or something like that. But at rest, it works flawlessly. Maybe Alba Pompeo just faces an issue with wide filesystem tree that needs to be inside chroot. -- http://lynxlynx.tk/ Power electronics made simple Unix and simple KISS C code
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