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Message-ID: <20140727080856.GC16795@example.net> Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 10:08:56 +0200 From: u-igbb@...ey.se To: musl@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: locale fallback option On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 11:46:31PM +0200, Wermut wrote: > Problem: User A speaks a language "xyz" and lives in country "AB". So > he will set the relevant locale environment vars to "xyz_AB". The > problem is, that the language "xyz" is only spoken by a minority of > people and the translation of the software in his language is often > not complete or non existend. The result is, that user A will have to > read the most strings in plain english, because this is the standard > fallback. Because our user A is a member of a minority, he knows also ... > This would require, that the locale definition would accept something > like LANG=xyz_AB:ts_AB I guess a similar effect could be achieved by LANG=ts_AB LC_MESSAGES=xyz_AB (or LC_MESSAGES=xyz_ZZ) if fallback to LANG happens per-item in contrast to per-category. This gives of course only two levels to combine but fits more or less into existing conventions. Taking some necessary cost into consideration, which percentage of human population would be made happier by this? :) Frankly, I think this is about a redesign of the locale system and hardly belongs to musl goals. Rune
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