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Message-ID: <CABob6iqzT_x2WBPnCrmZJcRPOvdPgoAT3YQBbidG4F4sFeHCyg@mail.gmail.com> Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2016 00:04:00 +0200 From: Lukas Odzioba <lukas.odzioba@...il.com> To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: USB-FPGA development 2016-04-26 23:20 GMT+02:00 <apingis@...nwall.net>: > At test site, it displays 20 MB/s. There's small increase if FPGA's buffers doubled, quadrupled etc. and absolute maximum (achieved if host sends/receives in 512K pieces) is about 30 MB/s. This should be ok for start. > So far I didn't implement parallel processing of several boards. I'm considering usage of asynchronous USB transfer functions, or usage of OpenMP, or several threads or processes. So far it's a standalone test application and I'm yet unsure how exactly it would integrate into JtR code. Any suggestions are welcome. To integrate it to john you have to have some format that you want to compute on this board. Did you work on something like that, or maybe you just have communication and the rest is still to do in this project? Long story short we need three parts of the puzzle: - fpga application that will compute hash(salt,password) - communication, which you already have - hooks in JtR to glue it up If you still don't have first step we need to select some slow hash format first. I guess solar or other guys on the list will have some suggestions which I'd like to hear. Thanks, Lukas
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