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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2015 19:13:40 +0200
From: magnum <>
Subject: Re: Non-iterated SHA-512 OpenCL formats

On 2015-09-13 22:49, Solar Designer wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 06:54:07PM +0200, magnum wrote:
>> I see we dropped Myrice's SHA-512 OpenCL formats (in favor of Claudio's)
>> in Issue #676 because it had bugs and no maintainer. I can easily pull
>> them back.
> Oh, I don't recall seeing #676 before.  I just checked it out, and I see
> that the two of you are working on this already - thank you guys!
> myrice - are you still with us?  Your involvement would be helpful.
>> I can't see any SHA-256 from Myrice in our history though?
> Maybe there wasn't.  I only reliably recall testing myrice's
> raw-sha512-opencl and xsha512-opencl during GSoC 2012.

Claudio's raw SHA-512 formats are renamed to -ng again, and Myrice's 
formats are now back. I updated them to latest "standards" (don't build 
until reset(), latest auto-tune and so on). I'm pretty sure the #676 bug 
was squashed in the process.

I haven't touched the kernels yet, they look like reference code. 
Probably plenty of low hanging fruit there.


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