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Message-ID: <CABob6irwY922hM-89+A8KH8MOpGyNj1V4Y_YLD77gKfeY09qMQ@mail.gmail.com> Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 03:48:35 +0200 From: Lukas Odzioba <lukas.odzioba@...il.com> To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com Subject: cuda format names Someone changed cuda format names (phpass + crypt*) this is current: --format=NAME force hash type NAME: afs bf bfegg bsdi crc32 crypt des dmd5 dominosec dragonfly3-32 dragonfly3-64 dragonfly4-32 dragonfly4-64 drupal7 dummy dynamic_n epi episerver gost hdaa hmac-md5 hmac-sha1 hmac-sha224 hmac-sha256 hmac-sha384 hmac-sha512 hmailserver ipb2 keychain krb4 krb5 lm lotus5 md4-gen md5 md5crypt-cuda md5ns mediawiki mscash mscash-cuda mscash2 mscash2-cuda mschapv2 mskrb5 mssql mssql05 mysql mysql-fast mysql-sha1 nethalflm netlm netlmv2 netntlm netntlmv2 nsldap nt nt2 odf office oracle oracle11 osc pdf phpass phpass-opencl phps pix-md5 pkzip po pwsafe pwsafe-cuda racf rar raw-md4 raw-md5 raw-md5u raw-sha raw-sha1 raw-sha1-linkedin raw-sha224 raw-sha224-cuda raw-sha256 raw-sha256-cuda raw-sha384 raw-sha512 raw-sha512-cuda salted-sha1 sapb sapg sha1-gen sha256crypt sha256crypt-cuda sha512crypt sha512crypt-cuda sip ssh sybasease trip vnc wbb3 wpapsk wpapsk-cuda xsha xsha512 xsha512-cuda zip 0) I am assuming that it is because naming consistency - for the same reason I was changing *crypt to crypt* almost year ago... 1) phpass-opencl :) in cuda build 2) we do not have md5crypt cpu build, so I thing it should be crypt-cuda rather than cryptmd5-cuda 3) do we want to change file names or we leave them as they're now (crypt*_fmt.c)? Lukas
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