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Message-ID: <057701cc7c57$dcc32fc0$96498f40$@net> Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 09:23:28 -0500 From: "jfoug" <jfoug@....net> To: <john-dev@...ts.openwall.com> Subject: RE: Patch for dynamically loaded formats I have been able to build uaf2john outside of VMS (win32 cygwin), and was able to get output data from it. I simply copied the alpha-vms.h to arch.h, then did gcc -o uaf2john uaf2john.c vms_encode.c Then uaf2john vms_tst.uaf > vms_tst.in 'worked' and created a file that appears to be proper john password input format. Now, whether that file has any 'meaning', I cannot say :) I do not have VMS to properly build this format. What I will do is likely build a 'patch' file, that will patch in the VMS format into the test suite, at some later date. Jim. >From: David Jones [mailto:jonesd@...umbus.rr.com] > >I updated the patches wiki with version 2.4 of the OpenVMS kit. The >major change is I renamed uaf_to_password.c to uaf2john.c and updated >it to run on non-VMS systems. The kit includes a vms_tst.uaf file, >synthesized from the bf_tst.in passwords, that can be used to test >uaf2john and subsequently vms_fmt with 1500 test hashes.
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