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Message-ID: <4D7ACEAB.9000200@bredband.net> Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2011 02:38:51 +0100 From: magnum <rawsmooth@...dband.net> To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com Subject: NT_fmt bug I'm very near certain I have found a bug in NT_fmt that is not caused by my UTF-8 stuff, it's just that we could never trigger it before. I have tried for days to debug this and I now believe the following is true (though it sounds weird to me): If the SECOND character of a plaintext (buffered after set_key()) is U+2000 or higher, it fails. Could this possibly be caused by a bug in the actual hashing? I have looked over the code over and over again, I'm out of clues. I can crack these (x is *any* character below U+2000 (like the actual x, U+0078), € is *any* character >= U+2000 (like the actual €, U+20AC)): € €x €x€x €x€x€x €x€x€ €x€x€€ €x€€€€€€€€€€ xx€€€€€€€€€€ xx€xxx xxx€xx xxxx€x xxxxx€ I can not crack these: €€€x €€x x€€€ x€€ x€ €€€ €€ x€xxxx x€x€x€ All uncracked has a € in second pos and other tests show that anything up to U+1FFF works fine, while U+2000 and above does not. I am certain this has nothing to do with my UTF8 conversion but we never get beyond U+00FF with pristine john so this never happened until now. magnum
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