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These are some screenshots of Owl-current live CDs for x86-64 and i686 as of 2012/08/18. Owl 3.1-stable (released later) looks similar. The screenshots show how very conservative Owl is, which is an advantage for some of our prospective users, but a drawback for some others.

CD boot menu:
CD boot menu

CD just booted up:
CD just booted up

The installer program (settle):
The installer program (settle)

The system configuration program (setup):
The system configuration program (setup)

The password policy (configurable) is enforced even for the initial root password:
The password policy (configurable) is enforced even for the initial root password

There are no SUID (set-user-ID) programs on Owl; there are only some SGIDs (set-group-ID):
There are no SUID programs on Owl; there are only some SGIDs

SGID programs, if the concept is used right, are a lower risk than SUID. In fact, many of these programs could be unprivileged, but having them SGID introduces a layer of security separation and deals with some minor and subtle attacks (such as a user bypassing password policy for their own account or mounting a local Denial-of-Service attack).

Starting the OpenVZ service and the first OpenVZ container:
Starting the OpenVZ service and the first OpenVZ container

Listing the running OpenVZ containers and entering a container from the host:
Listing the running OpenVZ containers and entering a container from the host

Adjusting the limits on an OpenVZ container does not require its restart:
Adjusting the limits on an OpenVZ container

Networking from an OpenVZ container works just fine:
Networking from an OpenVZ container

Stopping and destroying an OpenVZ container:
Stopping and destroying an OpenVZ container

See also: Openwall GNU/*/Linux presentation slides and screenshots of passwdqc (our password/passphrase strength checking and policy enforcement toolset).

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