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Password security: past, present, future

These are the slides we used at PHDays 2012 and Passwords^12 (with major updates). In a sense, this presentation is continued with Password hashing at scale (YaC 2012) and New developments in password hashing: ROM-port-hard functions (ZeroNights 2012), so please check those out as well, although the most relevant material from them has been merged into the Passwords^12 revision of this presentation.

A number of (much) later presentations are also relevant, including yescrypt: large-scale password hashing (2017) and Password cracking: past, present, future (2024).

Fredrik Thulin (@fredrikt5) has since implemented the local parameter in YubiHSM idea.

Please click on the slides for higher-resolution versions. You can also download a PDF file with all of the slides (9 MB) or view them at Speaker Deck.

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