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Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2022 18:25:52 +0000
From: m d <lakemountain@...tonmail.com>
To: yescrypt <yescrypt@...ts.openwall.com>
Subject: ROM in yespower?
Hello Solar Designer,
I am a member of the Dogecoin community and myself and a couple others think it would be valuable to explore possible algorithm alternatives that might save our network energy, as an alternative to moving Proof of Stake. I have figured that an easy fix would be to update scrypt that we use, to a compatible version that is tmto resistant. It appears that this was your goal as well in yescrypt and yespower which is encouraging.
My question is, is there a reason for not including a ROM setting in yespower? I see that in yescrypt it was included to prevent botnets, which I would think that the largest botnet problem is with cryptocurrencies. I assume the lack of ROM was to reduce the potential "knobs" that could be set wrong. Since botnet resistance is a requirement for large, CPU only, cryptocurrencies; would adding a ROM "knob" in yespower be possible? Just setting N very high I don't think would be ideal because then that would negate the fast L2 benefit of a CPU, unless I am mistaken.
I appreciate it and thanks for making these algorithms!
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