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Message-ID: <CAFPCfQwfc66ak-+WPLyh-04cCe_+dZViN2QwYtnONDPBCdyKFw@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 00:34:48 -0600
From: will cunningham <willpanther@...il.com>
To: sabotage@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: apps/libs not compiling with butch 4
Most of the apps are compiling OK with the DISABLE_GRSEC=1 butch rebuild
kernel set, or at least the ones with the segmentation fault errors listed
above(xmms,boost, and wxgtk).
I'm still having issues, but I'll ask a separate question as it opens the
butch can of worms.
Thanks; we're gettin there,
On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 2:05 PM, will cunningham <willpanther@...il.com>
> John,
> I deleted the src package when copying to the usb pen drive for space and
> it isn't redownloading the kernel sources. I'm gonna redo this anyway as
> this install was before you guys fixed the linux sources link, and I'll
> keep the source packages intact now that I know it matters for recompiling
> n such.
> No problem as I've kept good notes, and again once it's all cherry I'll
> write a nice PDF putting all this in perspective, and they should be
> against whatever is in the repo anyway.
> The one question here is, I'm guessing there won't be a problem rebuilding
> the kernel(make menuconfig, then make && make modules_install then copying
> the bzImage to vmlinuz) for my PC after installing it with DISABLE_GRSEC=1?
> soon,
> Will
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 1:28 PM, John Spencer <maillist-musl@...fooze.de>
> wrote:
>> will cunningham wrote:
>>> Well I'm up on the desktop PC, but some of the apps with butch ain't
>>> compiling. So this question is both in the form of how/where/what to
>>> send
>>> of outputs when something doesn't compile, as well as the actual
>>> problems.
>> in general only the lines containing the error message are important
>> (plus 5-10 lines of context so the gcc command line can be seen).
>> you can send the reports here or open an issue on the github issue
>> tracker - however you prefer.
>> --JS
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