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Message-ID: <CAFPCfQx7P=XiAfZHeRU6MeGNwBZZLKYX8_qB33osGqoKDUcf1w@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2014 19:07:37 -0600
From: will cunningham <willpanther@...il.com>
To: sabotage@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: starting Sabotage project/booting off the hard drive
Fellow Saboteurs,
OK I finally got this on the hard drive! This message is just to close out
this thread. I had problems with both Paul's method(I just tried it once
and messed something up with the kernel copying, but moved on because I
didn't want the Debian default kernel regardless) and had to expand the
WIKI a little, but I reconfigured/built the kernel in the change root
environment and finally got the entire thing working without using a Debian
I'm keeping notes and then writing a larger pdf doc explaining all this
that also will be using Sabotage as clay to understand what's going on in a
linux OS for my own peops here, and you folks can use whatever out of it in
your WIKIS/docs.
The only technical point to clean up for this thread is that the problem
with my cp -a was using the default vfat partitioning on the USB drive.
You can't copy files over 2Gs, and the ownership problem vanished when I
repartitioned/created an ext4 filesystem on it.
Paul, John, Josh and crew thanks for giving me meat to hack on to get this
figured out, and thanks in advance for the technical questions I'll need
help with as I get this configured and pumping,
On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 6:50 PM, will cunningham <willpanther@...il.com>
> Thanks guys. I'll look at all of this. It'll take a few days to go over
> all of this, as I can only do it between things in the office(I start
> something compiling etc and then check it several hours later, the next day
> etc)
> I'll probably try a couple of these approaches to understand what's going
> on here. I'm already learning more about what actually goes on in a Linux
> OS just getting this working than more pre-packaged/slick distros where
> I've become basically a quirks expert.
> Thanks again,
> Will
> On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 6:03 PM, John Spencer <maillist-musl@...fooze.de>
> wrote:
>> Paul Schutte wrote:
>>> If you are "really" lucky it will boot and work, but I suspect not. You
>>> need the right drivers for your hardware.
>>> I use an image and kernel from Ubuntu
>> rather than doing it the lazy way by simply reusing a mainstream kernel,
>> we should look to get the stuff people need into sabotage's kernel.
>> in the worst case that means bisecting the diff between sabotage's kernel
>> config and the one spit out by "zcat /proc/config.gz" on the ubuntu kernel
>> until the right config item is identified.
>> btw, it's actually pretty educative to do a git log -p KEEP/linux.config
>> to study previous modifications/additions to the kernel config.
>> in general we tried to keep the modifications minimal and document the
>> changes properly in the commit messages.
>> --JS
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