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Message-ID: <200509012031330963.001A25BA@> Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 20:31:33 +1000 From: "Daniel" <email@...vatecage.com> To: popa3d-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: Re: connecting via Thunderbird >On 31/08/2005 at 6:54 pm Jim Mirick wrote: > 1. nmap reports that port 110 is not open Umm, the first thing you should have tried was to telnet in to port 110 from the box running the troubled tb client. Then if you connected you could workout whether it was an account issue on the server (e.g wrong password, username or something). If you couldn't connect, it was likely to be a network, firewall or service issue (aka daemon in the nix world). >> And then, what does "I can connect via command line" mean ? what do you >> type ? Be specific, please ! Telnet is you friend. From a command prompt on your windows pc client (or any pc o/s with a telnet client) type (without the % characters and case sensitive): -------------------------------- c:\> telnet %server-ip-or-name% 110 user %username% pass %password% list quit --------------- You don't need NMAP or Fedora to sort this out. Its not a MS problem either ;-) man popa3d http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1939.html ....and a little plug for BSD. regards, hotdiggedydog www.privatecage.com *********** REPLY SEPARATOR *********** On 31/08/2005 at 6:54 pm Jim Mirick wrote: >Uwe Dippel <udippel@...> writes: > >> >> Jim Mirick wrote: >> >> > A little more diagnosis: /var/log/messages has some things from >popa3d, as >> > when I log on as root and then execute popa3d from the command line to >> > look at my mailbox (I say USER JRM etc.). >> >> Amazing. Now everything is through and said ... . >> >> Do we agree on some basics here ? Does RHEL eventually start popa3d by >> default ? can you do some 'ps ax | grep pop' before and after you start >it ? >> >> And then, what does "I can connect via command line" mean ? what do you >> type ? Be specific, please ! >> >> Did you try to telnet from the client (the one you run Thunderbird on) >> to the server ? >> >> What distro does the client (the one running Thunderbird) use ? Also >> RedHat ? >> It might help you could install nmap on that machine and then issue some >> 'nmap -v' (replace with the IP of the >> server). >> >> And add the 'some things from popa3d' for us to see, please ! >> >> > However, if I log on to Linux as JRM and try to execute popa3d it says >> > "command not found", even if I cd to /usr/sbin where the executable is. >> >> Try to run it as root, instead ! >> >> By now I could as well suggest to de-install and purge all configuration >> (no idea how to do on RedHat, sorry), and install from scratch. >> >> > So I suspect there is a permissions problem. I have changed the >permissions >> > for popa3d in /usr/sbin to "everybody can execute" it still won't >execute it >> > for anybody except root. >> >> That sits on another sheet of paper. root is the correct user to execute >> popa3d for the time and purpose being. >> >> > Is there a config file for popa3d somewhere? I can't find one. How >does it >> > know what to do? >> >> I don't know about RedHat, but it doesn't need one, basically. It >> 'knows' what to do: read from the mail-spool on request on port 110. >> >> HTH, >> >> Uwe >> >> > >I appologize again for being a Unix newbie and thank you for your patience. >In order of importance: > >1. nmap reports that port 110 is not open, after considering it I just >tried >"service popa3d start" and voila it now says started. I reran nmap and >there >it is, port 110 open. So I go back to the client at it all now works. I >can >now breathe again. Glad I had a Fedora box to run this from! My t-bird is >on a Windows box. > >2. I guess it has to be manually started, as does postfix, if I reboot. I >was fooled because I could go in as root and enter popa3d and it >responds >+OK and then I can enter commands such as USER etc. So, I thought it >was started, obviously not. > >3. All of the documentation I have on this is the MAN output so - in >effect >- I didn't realize how simple it was. I didn't know to treat it as a >service, >I just guessed; I suppose its obvious to everybody else but not me. > >Thank you all again for all your help, this is a cute little piece of >software, I am so used to MS bloatware and I don't know how to deal with >something this straightforward. > >jim
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