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Message-ID: <4315D6C1.4020704@uniten.edu.my> Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 00:11:45 +0800 From: Uwe Dippel <udippel@...ten.edu.my> To: popa3d-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: Re: connecting via Thunderbird Jim Mirick wrote: > A little more diagnosis: /var/log/messages has some things from popa3d, as > when I log on as root and then execute popa3d from the command line to > look at my mailbox (I say USER JRM etc.). Amazing. Now everything is through and said ... . Do we agree on some basics here ? Does RHEL eventually start popa3d by default ? can you do some 'ps ax | grep pop' before and after you start it ? And then, what does "I can connect via command line" mean ? what do you type ? Be specific, please ! Did you try to telnet from the client (the one you run Thunderbird on) to the server ? What distro does the client (the one running Thunderbird) use ? Also RedHat ? It might help you could install nmap on that machine and then issue some 'nmap -v' (replace with the IP of the server). And add the 'some things from popa3d' for us to see, please ! > However, if I log on to Linux as JRM and try to execute popa3d it says > "command not found", even if I cd to /usr/sbin where the executable is. Try to run it as root, instead ! By now I could as well suggest to de-install and purge all configuration (no idea how to do on RedHat, sorry), and install from scratch. > So I suspect there is a permissions problem. I have changed the permissions > for popa3d in /usr/sbin to "everybody can execute" it still won't execute it > for anybody except root. That sits on another sheet of paper. root is the correct user to execute popa3d for the time and purpose being. > Is there a config file for popa3d somewhere? I can't find one. How does it > know what to do? I don't know about RedHat, but it doesn't need one, basically. It 'knows' what to do: read from the mail-spool on request on port 110. HTH, Uwe
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