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Message-ID: <000801c50509$b7c08820$0800000a@skelly>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 23:19:33 -0800
From: "Sean Kelly" <sean@...eview.com>
To: <popa3d-users@...ts.openwall.com>
Subject: popa3d Catatonic?
I've been using popa3d happily since 0.5.9 on a RH Linux 9 machine. I've
been trying to get it to work on an identical RH9 machine that doesn't
seem to be working. It compiles fine and executes well enough, and I see
port 110 open up when it becomes activated. yet when Outlook tries to
connect to it to pop mail, Outlook returns the error message:
Task 'mail.domain.com - Sending and Receiving' reported error
(0x800CCC0F) : 'The connection to the server was interrupted. If this
problem continues, contact your server administrator or Internet service
provider (ISP).'
This was happening with 0.6.3 and now with the most current as
well. There is no firewall between the two machines. The server is
definitely reachable. There is no antivirus software or any of the other
"desktop software" things people generally associate with this
particular Outlook error code. I Googled it and come back with half a
dozen other people with a similar error, but most of them were not in
English and I couldn't get anything useful out of the discussion
I'm assuming that there's something glaringly obvious wrong on the
server, but I'm not real sure where to look at this point. There don't
appear to be any error messages coming from the popa3d daemon which is
under the control of xinetd. The port is open, the IP is reachable, I
can connect to port 110 with telnet - just nothing good comes back! :-(
Any advice would be much appreciated!
SK (sean@...eview.com)
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