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Message-ID: <4014856B.2030903@tagnet.ru> Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 08:11:39 +0500 From: Boris Kovalenko <boris@...net.ru> To: popa3d-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: WELCOME to popa3d-users@...ts.openwall.com Hello! Probably You should define POP_STANDALONE in params.h Regards, Boris Doug Jolley wrote: > > Hi -- > > I'm running Slackware 9.0. All day I've been trying to compile > popa3d. The compile instructions > seem to be quite straight forward and it seems to compile just fine. > I get an executable of > 18896 bytes. The problem is that it doesn't seem to work for me after > I have it compiled. It doesn't > even give me a version if I invoke it with a -V argument. It just > returns silently to the command > prompt. I really thought I was doing something wrong in the compile. > I notice that Slackware's > pre-compiled version is much larger at 22856 bytes. > > In desperation I went to your web site thinking that I would download > new source and give that > a try. I downloaded version 0.6.4. Much to my surprise, however, it > was a compiled binary. > And, guess what? It's exactly the same size as my compiled binary > (i.e., 18896 bytes) and it > behaves exactly the same way, e.g., just returning silently to the > command prompt when invoked > with a -V argument. > > Obviously, I'm missing something here. My compiled binary is the same > exact size as yours > and I can't get either yours or mine to work. Slackware's works just > fine; but, I can't figure out > what they did in their compile to come up with a much larger executable. > > Can anyone tell me what I'm missing? Thanks for any input. > > _________________________________________________________________ > Let the new MSN Premium Internet Software make the most of your > high-speed experience. > http://join.msn.com/?pgmarket=en-us&page=byoa/prem&ST=1 > >
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