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Message-ID: <3E7894D9.30101@ihug.com.au> Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 03:03:37 +1100 From: Mick <asurfer@...g.com.au> To: popa3d-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: popa3d[28669]: Didn't attempt authentication Hello The subject line appears in /var/log/messages once every 10 minutes on my Redhat 7.3 based system. At the moment, there is only one user accessing the pop server on that machine and I can see when he successfully authenticates and retrieves his email. Other than that, no one else has a pop3 account on that server (I have my emails to me from that machine forwarded to my work email address via postfix) and the only cron entry I can find that runs once every 10 minutes is a cron job - /etc/cron.d/sysstat which runs a program called sa1: # run system activity accounting tool every 10 minutes */10 * * * * root /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1 1 and which according to the manapge summary: "sa1 - Collect and store binary data in the system activity daily data file." However, as it is simply a stats collector, I can't see how this would be attempting to connect to the popa3d daemon. Does anyone have any ideas as to why else these messages are being generated once every 10 minutes? Thanks in Advance. Mick.
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