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Message-ID: <CAHG8knAvWEJZCnOjeeMQPP4ULSPWXu4u+=aLObQbqc8gyRnZvQ@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2016 23:32:02 +0300
From: ArkanoiD <ark@...ex.net>
To: "e@...tmx.net" <passwords@...ts.openwall.com>
Subject: Re: GMOs And Passwords
On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 11:18 PM, e@...tmx.net <e@...tmx.net> wrote:
> (1) it is completely different area of responsibility.
> do not mess with the users' free will.
> expending of your "care" beyond the boundaries of your responsibility
> always cases more trouble than good.
> (2) an ideal password should FAIL all checks.
> checks are LIMITATIONS.
> a password that complies to a policy is worse than a password that does
> not.
Things tend to get more complicated if there is multi-entity interactions
with uneven distribution of skills, risks and liability.
Say, if you have a small group of well-educated persons, it might work as
you say. Especially if risks and liabilities fall on the same person.
Though shit happens anyway (which is endless source of lulz).
If we consider some kind of corporate slavery where you as a manager is
responsible for others' failures; or if you run a public service and you
know YOU will be blamed if your users' negligence -- it becomes a rational
decision to intervene with certain restrictions of free will of some for
better outcome for the rest. Just because the alternative is worse! For
you, for the company, maybe even for them but they fail to admit it!
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