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Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 05:49:16 +0400
From: Solar Designer <>
Subject: Re: stmpclean problem


This is Bcc'ed to the author of stmpclean.

I've confirmed the problem.  Unfortunately.

stmpclean simply expects to see absolute pathnames on its command
line, such as /tmp.  When it receives a relative one instead, it
interprets it relative to the root directory, not the current one.
A rather unfortunate behavior.

We'll think if we can quickly enough come up with a fix better than
refusing to work with non-absolute pathnames.  (stmpclean cd's to /
before starting the work not without a reason.)

On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 10:06:06PM +0700, Ihsan wrote:
> I just deleted by accident very large number of non root file on my server.
> And that's happen after I run this command: 
> # cd /var/spool/mailfilter/tmp
> # stmpclean ./ 
> Looks like stmpclean interpreted "./" as "/". 
> A lost all of non root file on /var and /home. This trashing stop on 
> /proc/, on /var/log/messages I find this: 
> .... stmpclean[16747]: RACE?: isemptydir(): opendir("fd") in /proc/13703: 
> Permission denied, exiting 
> May be someone familiar with smtpclean can explain this problem? 
> ishobr

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