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Message-ID: <20120707182217.GB519@albatros>
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2012 22:22:17 +0400
From: Vasily Kulikov <>
Subject: Re: status of 2.6.32-based kernel


On Sat, Jul 07, 2012 at 06:41 +0400, Solar Designer wrote:
> When you make these changes to the old util-linux:
> -extern ext2_loff_t ext2_llseek(unsigned int fd, ext2_loff_t offset,
> -                              unsigned int origin);
> +#define ext2_llseek lseek
> I guess you rely on -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64, or otherwise they would be
> unsafe on 32-bit systems, right?  I've just checked that our build log
> of util-linux for i686 shows that -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 is in fact
> being used - although I did not check whether it's used on 100% of the
> source files or not.  Did you?

It is used in all calls to gcc.

>  Where does it come from?  Standard
> Makefile of util-linux (without our patches)?

A standard one.

Modern versions of util-linux use plain calls to lseek().  All calls to
ext2_llseek() are replaced with lseek().  I used #define for the patch



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