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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2012 06:34:46 +0400
From: Solar Designer <>
Subject: Re: status of 2.6.32-based kernel

On Fri, Jul 06, 2012 at 11:50:03PM +0400, Vasily Kulikov wrote:
> The kernel successfully boots under Ubuntu userspace (initrd, etc.).
> The last problem is booting the kernel under Owl userspace.  Under x86
> and x86_64 it panics, in a bit different ways.  Both panics are related
> to EVENT_TRACE feature.  Both call stacks show event_trace_init().
> Tried both ISO (x86 and x86_64) and installed systems (only x86).

Well, this means that the kernel is buggy (that specific kernel image at
least), regardless of userland.  I wonder if the problem is also
triggerable on OpenVZ's or even Red Hat's kernel builds (their binaries).

> I have a problem identifying the real root of the problem.  Either the
> kernel is not buildable or it builds but panics with the same
> event_trace_init() in the call stack.

Have you recorded that stack trace?  Is there an Oops?  If so, have you
tried looking at the faulting instruction and matching it against the
source code?

> Looks like I should go with EVENT_TRACE=n and patch 3-5 source files to
> be buildable.

What setting do upstreams (OpenVZ, Red Hat) use for this?  "=y" I guess?
If so, do they avoid the panics somehow - lack the bug in the kernel or
lack a property of the userland that triggers the bug?



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