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Message-ID: <20110414123803.GD22037@openwall.com> Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 16:38:03 +0400 From: "(GalaxyMaster)" <galaxy@...nwall.com> To: owl-dev@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: LAMP All, On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 03:33:15PM +0400, (GalaxyMaster) wrote: > its location once it's done. I'm considering to put it on > ftp.ru.openwall.com under /pvt/galaxy . I've tar'ed the tree and put it on ftp://ftp.ru.openwall.com/pvt/galaxy/Owl-extra-20110414.tar.bz2 . The tree contains the native/ directory and the Makefile symlink (well, the idea was stolen from Owl and the hierarchy is the same). To be able to build this stuff you will need to download sources from their official mirrors. (Solar, should I also provide a ready-to-use source directory?). In order to prepare the tree you need to: 1. create a directory, say, owl-extra; 2. download the above archive to that directory and unpack it; 3. issue 'make symlink' to create all necessary symbolic links 4. create the sources/Owl-extra/packages directory, then create subdirectories for each package, and download the corresponding package's sources into these subdirectories. 5. once everything is in place you can do 'make buildworld' Unfortunately, I didn't work on installworld.conf so after each buildworld you will need to manually install the newly created RPMs from RPMS/ and re-run the 'make buildworld' command (until there is nothing to be built). The following packages are included in Owl-extra: === ImageMagick curl dovecot fcgi freetds ghostscript git httpd httpd-mod_auth_mysql httpd-mod_fcgid httpd-mod_macro httpd-mod_wsgi httpd-suexec libapr libapr-util libc-client libevent libexpat libfreetype libglib libjpeg libmcrypt libmhash libneon libpng libserf libxml2 libxmlsec1 libxslt memcached mysql nagios nagios-plugins net-snmp nginx php php-ext-apc php-ext-uploadprogress php-ext-zend_optimizer php-pear postgresql python rpm-owlx ruby rubygems sqlite subversion swig tidy unzip zip === Most of them in a very good shape, however there are few which are not. I didn't update postgresql for a long time for example. Many of them were tested to build on a clean CentOS 5.6 (with no modifications to their spec files). If .rpmmacros included with Owl-extra is used, then packages are configured to be installed into /opt/<package>/<version>-<release>, otherwise (if there is no .rpmmacros or not the one from Owl-extra) packages are configured to be installed system-wide, e.g. to /usr . There were many thought and considerations during the creation of Owl-extra, but I'm afraid it will be too much for this message. However, let me illustrate the primary idea behind /opt/<pkg>/<ver>-<rel> structure. I'll use the httpd package as the example: * each version is installed to /opt/httpd/<version>-<release>, e.g for httpd-2.2.17-owlx0 it would be /opt/httpd/2.2.17-owlx0/{bin,sbin,...} * there is primary configuration directory for each version-release and it's located under the %_prefix/etc, e.g. for httpd-2.2.17-owlx0 it's /opt/httpd/2.2.17-owlx0/conf * then there is a common configuration area in /opt/<package>/config (the per version-release configuration files includes stuff from the common configuration area). For example, for the httpd package there is an include of /opt/httpd/config/conf.d/*.conf and the user can put something like "Include "config/virtwww/*.conf" into /opt/httpd/config/conf.d/virtwww.conf and will have a separate directory under /opt/httpd/config/virtwww/ where they are able to define virtual hosts. * everything related to the specific package version-release should go under /opt/<package>/<version>-<release>. If something is common to multiple versions of the same package, it should go into the <package>-common subpackage. For example, Apache logs are something which is common to all httpd packages, hence it should be packaged into httpd-common. * I was trying to stick to the rule that everything related to the specific package series (e.g. httpd) goes to /opt/<package>. For instance, /opt/httpd/logs is the place for the log files and all configuration files expect it to be there. It's convenient for users to have this directory under /var/log/httpd, so the can just do 'mv /opt/httpd/logs /var/log/httpd && ln -s ../../var/log/httpd /opt/logs' to move stuff around, yet to preserve the expected location of the log file directory. I planed to write a set of scripts (or extend owl-control) to take care of this, actually. Well, the most interesting packages from the list are php, httpd, and, perhaps, php-pear. All these packages were created to be able to be installed in multiple versions/releases and so each system user could run the version they want. php-pear package is a beloved child of mine since it implements pear/pecl in the way I never saw it anywhere -- together with Owl-extra's php they provide a way to a non-privileged user to install PECL/PEAR modules/extensions into their home directory and the PHP is picking up these changes automatically. I actually like the idea of having all new stuff that is not already a part of the Owl core in /opt/ and to support multiversioning for these. I invested quite a lot of my spare time into Owl-extras (I'm not complaining about the time sponsored by Openwall clients :) ), and it would be a pity to lose the flexibility Owl-extra provides. Well, it's an Open Source world and I understand that my vision of things may be different, so if we decide to just re-use specs and build Owl specific, system-wide packages -- I think I'll have to continue to enhance Owl-extra alone :) (and do backports from Owl). But it would be really nice to have Owl-extra as a supplemental repository, since I think it's a win-win situation. Owl core developers can still concentrate on the most essential to system packages, while Owl-extra can provide the user base with the rest, essential to the end-user packages. I'd appreciate your comments and/or suggestions. -- (GM)
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