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Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2024 03:06:39 +0000
From: JinCheng Li <naiveli233@...look.com>
To: musl <musl@...ts.openwall.com>
Subject: Do we need to enhance robustness in the signal mask?
The signal 32(SIGTIMER) will only used in musl timer and block for the SIGEV_THREAD. I think it can be seen as a special internal signal like 34(SIGSYNCCALL).
But in sigprocmask and pthread_sigmask, musl lacks protection for these internal signals. Users can modify the shielding status of such signals which may cause problems with signal response. For example, I can cancel the masking of signal 32 for the SIGEV_THREAD, as aresult, the timing thread can exits abnormally.
But in android, there is a function "filter_reserved_signals" used in sigprocmask to protect the internal signals state from being modified.
Considering that upper-layer users may not know the internl signals such as 32 has been blocked, should we add a default block for these signals in pthread_sigmask like android to enhance the signal robustness? Or is there other considerations?
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