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Message-ID: <d0cc9976-37e8-4289-9b66-ec75f272054d@brad-house.com>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 16:42:22 -0400
From: Brad House <brad@...d-house.com>
To: musl@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/1] FD_SET() and FD_ISSET() warn on
On 8/1/24 3:06 PM, Brad House wrote:
> On 7/18/24 1:35 PM, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
>> Rich Felker dixit:
>>> Use of signed ints generates worse code (not just bitshift/mask, needs
>>> fixup for C's wrong definition of signed integer division) and has
>>> more-dangerous behavior in the event of a negative input (small
>>> negative offset likely to clobber data in an exploitable way rather
>>> than giant positive offset likely to crash).
>> Aieee. I see, more reasons against signed integers in C :/
>> #define FD_SET(d,s) ((s)->fds_bits[(0U + (d)) / (8 *
>> sizeof(long))] |= \
>> (1UL << ((0U + (d)) % (8 * sizeof(long)))))
> Sorry it took me a while to reply on this. But no, this doesn't
> resolve the issue, it still emits the same warning.
> -Brad
As a follow-up, here's a new patch that [maybe?] resolves the issues you
had with my first patch.
It uses static inlines to accomplish the task that should still provide
relevant warnings to integrators.
Please see attached.
View attachment "musl-fd_set-warning-fix-v2.patch" of type "text/plain" (1711 bytes)
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