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Message-ID: <2584491.vYhyI6sBWr@workhack> Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2023 04:36:24 +0200 From: Lorenz Hipp <jHhvLtwZki@...isch.de> To: musl@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Add musl-ldd for user convenience and to avoid naming conflict Greetings everyone! (As my first post to this mailing list, I hope I did everything right regarding the technical stuff, like formatting. Otherwise, please tell me.) This is a suggestion to fix a minor, but (at least for me) somewhat annoying issue. The user (or some CI/AT software) sometimes wants to inspect just built programs by running ldd program to see or record the actual linked libraries and their (hopefully correct) paths. The default "ldd" program on most Linux systems is surely the script provided by the gnu libc implementation. Unfortunately, (for reasons I won't go into detail) their program cannot work properly with programs linked with musl, as it prints an error message : musl-gcc -o Test-musl Test-musl.c ldd Test-musl ./Test-musl: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libc.so: invalid ELF header Since the mentioned file is of course a linker script and just text, it cannot have a valid ELF header. Following the FAQ on the musl website at https://wiki.musl-libc.org/faq.html#Q:-Where-is-%3Ccode%3Eldd%3C/code%3E? the musl linker actually has 'ldd' functionality, which is used when it is called as "ldd". Quote : Just create a symlink from ld-musl-$ARCH.so to /bin/ldd. At least on machines where software is developed, it would not be a good idea to replace the glibc ldd script with a link to the musl linker, because of .. reasons (such as slightly different output behaviour). I don't know, where other people or companies, who work with musl, install musl (mine is installed similar to what Arch [1] does) and how they work around this (if at all), but even if musl (or at least its two programs/wrapper scripts) are installed in /usr/local or $HOME/musl , you then have two "ldd" programs, have to adjust your PATH environment variable and need to remember that "ldd" and "/usr/bin/ldd" are two different programs. And this is what can get annoying, especially if new co-workers are involved. If, for some reason, someone or something doesn't know about it and assumes "ldd" is the glibc variant, you end up possibly with issues; not funny, when there is some kind of (closed source) continuous integration (CI) or automated testing (AT) software/process involved. Since a developer who works with musl will most likely end up to use musl-clang musl-gcc anyway, I propose that a third program, or rather a symbolic link is installed: musl-ldd I expect that the user (or any CI/AT software) doesn't have a problem with a third program, especially for the profit to avoid a (naming) conflict with glibc ldd. So, how to solve this? There are two simple approaches I managed to identify. 1. This one involves to change some source code in https://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/tree/ldso/dynlink.c to make the linker ready to change to 'ldd' mode not only when it's called as (exactly) 'ldd', but also as 'musl-ldd'. Required patch would be : --- a/ldso/dynlink.c 2022-04-07 19:12:40.000000000 +0200 +++ b/ldso/dynlink.c 2023-04-16 20:40:15.960873385 +0200 @@ -1791,7 +1791,15 @@ int fd; char *ldname = argv[0]; size_t l = strlen(ldname); - if (l >= 3 && !strcmp(ldname+l-3, "ldd")) ldd_mode = 1; + if (l = 3 && !strcmp(ldname, "ldd")) + { + ldd_mode = 1 ; + } + else + if ( l = 8 && !strcmp(ldname, "musl-ldd")) + { + ldd_mode = 1 ; + } argv++; while (argv[0] && argv[0][0]=='-' && argv[0][1]=='-') { char *opt = argv[0]+2; Additionaly the Makefile would have to be adjusted, to create a symbolic link at $(bindir)/musl-ldd -> $(libdir)/libc.so Required patch : --- a/Makefile 2022-04-07 19:12:40.000000000 +0200 +++ b/Makefile 2023-04-16 21:42:00.000000000 +0200 @@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ install-tools: $(ALL_TOOLS:obj/%=$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/%) install: install-libs install-headers install-tools + ln -sv $(libdir)/libc.so $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/musl-ldd musl-git-%.tar.gz: .git git --git-dir=$(srcdir)/.git archive --format=tar.gz --prefix=$(patsubst %.tar.gz,%,$@)/ -o $@ $(patsubst musl-git-%.tar.gz,%,$@) This way, the same musl build can be used on the development machine where it has to co-exist at least with glibc and the target machine, where musl is the standard (and only) linker. I have to admit, that the dynlink.c file could stay as it is, because right now it accepts any program name, which ends with "ldd". This might be intended behaviour. But at least for me, it would simply feel wrong and I prefer source code, which is explicit about certain things. In that regard, the text in the FAQ might also be changed, because Just create a symlink from ld-musl-$ARCH.so to /bin/ldd. would be more correctly Just create a symlink /bin/<whatever>ldd pointing to ld-musl-$ARCH.so. Because, for example, a link created as /usr/bin/paldd -> $(libdir)/libc.so would also work and I see no 'musl' in 'paldd', hence my comment about software being explicit. 2. Only install the symbolic link 'musl-ldd' with the Makefile patch above. I tested both variants with success and use solution #1 in production. Best regards, Lorenz Hipp References : [1] https://github.com/archlinux/svntogit-community/blob/packages/musl/trunk/PKGBUILD P.S. : For the sake of completeness, my musl is built and installed with ./configure --prefix=/usr/lib/musl \ --exec-prefix=/usr \ --enable-wrapper=all \ CFLAGS="-ffat-lto-objects" make -w -j 16 make -w -j 1 DESTDIR=/tmp/destroot install mv -v /tmp/destroot/lib/ld-musl*.so* /tmp/destroot/usr/lib/ rmdir /tmp/destroot/lib install -Dvm644 README /tmp/destroot/usr/share/doc/musl-1.2.3/README # (archive and install afterwards as root)
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