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Message-ID: <5bfc537b-01f0-7cf5-4edc-802222645d38@adelielinux.org>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2019 21:22:30 -0600
From: "A. Wilcox" <awilfox@...lielinux.org>
To: musl@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: Symbol versioning approximation trips on compat symbols
On 01/28/19 17:47, Rich Felker wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 05:41:10PM -0600, A. Wilcox wrote:
>> On 01/28/19 17:12, Zach van Rijn wrote:
>>> The official community-based musl site is the Wiki [1];
>>> this might be a more appropriate venue for what you're seeking,
>>> and it already does exactly what you're seeking.
>>> [1]: https://wiki.musl-libc.org/projects-using-musl.html
>> That page is also a bit of a mess. I would clean it up but I don't know
>> if I have the time.
>> It'd be nice if it had a divide between "experimental" distros and
>> "production" distros, that is ones that intended to be run on a
>> workstation/server vs those that are intended to be poked and prodded
>> and used for research. Also, "last activity" would be nice, so you can
>> tell what's maintained.
>> (It'd be cool for Adélie, and probably Alpine, if the list were
>> alphabetised, too ;) - but I won't push it.)
> I'm not opposed to either idea, but I'm not sure how we'd define the
> experimental vs production distinction. Some dists, especially
> source-based ones like Sabotage, lack the selection of packages users
> might expect from a production desktop or server distro, but they can
> still be very suitable for production use in embedded or in small or
> "more traditional" servers without all kinds of modern bloat.
> Maybe it would make sense to suggest a few comparable well-known
> distros for each one ("Debian-like", "Gentoo-like", "Buildroot-like",
> etc.)?
> Rich
Perhaps it would be easier to categorise into "research" and "general use".
Research: bootstrap-linux, oasis, Snowflake
General use: Adélie, Alpine, Bedrock, CLFS/ELFS, Exherbo, januslinux,
LightCube, morpheus, Sabotage, TAZ, Void
None of them are Debian-likes. (I might actually be personally insulted
if you said Adélie was a Debian-like; we do not use Apt, and we actually
care about Libre Software instead of just paying lipservice to it.)
Also, I thought Dragora shipped an actual musl version. Maybe I'm mistaken.
A. Wilcox (awilfox)
Project Lead, Adélie Linux
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