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Message-ID: <1457178014.10711.15.camel@xiaoka.com>
Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2016 12:40:14 +0100
From: Tomasz Sterna <tomek@...oka.com>
To: musl@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: [PATCH] add sched_getcpu
W dniu 04.03.2016, pią o godzinie 18∶33 -0500, użytkownik Rich Felker
> The thread API I am implementing differs much to pthreads, which
> > required a lot of glue code translating one API to another and felt
> > hand wrenching.
> Are you sure? The only functions you really need to use pthreads are
> pthread_create and one of either pthread_join or pthread_detach.
Well... I still have the source of the previous attempt of implementing
this API over standard glibc on disk. And it is ugly.
But it is possible that it's just a matter of this particular
implementation. Unfortunately the original author is MIA.
With the experience on doing it on raw clone and futex and knowledge
you just provided in this thread, it should not be that ugly this time
around. :)
(_<^' A: Chicken Teriyaki.
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