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Message-ID: <20160105164640.GL23362@port70.net> Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2016 17:46:41 +0100 From: Szabolcs Nagy <nsz@...t70.net> To: musl@...ts.openwall.com Subject: string word-at-a-time and atomic.h FAQ on twitter https://twitter.com/johnregehr/status/684126374966198281 these are old faq items but since we dont have docs about internals i try to address them based on my understanding: 1) musl strlen oob access: the os manages memory with page granularity, this is an internal detail that the user should not rely on in c, but the libc can, (otherwise malloc/free and the dynamic linker could not be implemented in c) so oob accesses in word-at-a-time string algorithms do not cause segfault on the os level. in theory the compiler is part of the implementation so it can treat libc code specially, but in practice libc code is normal freestanding c code. this means that the compiler can treat oob access arbitrarily following the abstract c semantics if it can see through the implementation with lto. however i find lto a weak excuse to rewrite strlen in asm for all targets since lto of libc is still not practical and asm implementations historically had a lot of target specific bugs in other libcs. i think compiler attributes should be used here on compilers that might break the code, but there is no attribute for this kind of oob access yet (although may_alias attribute is missing here too and should be added like in other string functions). this takes care of oob access, but the bytes outside the passed object might change concurrently i.e. strlen might introduce a data race: again this is a problem on the abstract c language level that may be solved e.g. by making all accesses to those bytes relaxed atomic, but user code is not under libc control. in practice the code works if HASZERO reads the word once so it does arithmetics with a consistent value (because the memory model of the underlying machine does not treat such race undefined and it does not propagate unspecified value bits nor has trap representations). we do not try to enforce these behaviours on the c level yet (only a very narrow set of string functions are affected which are also very performance critical), but fortunately those who are worried that the code is not correct can always generate asm and compile that into the libc. (and then one can verify that indeed the generated code is completely correct on the asm level. maybe musl will add generated asm to the repo, but there are other pending cleanup works related to asm vs c level semantics and these should be considered together.) 2) musl atomic.h sync primitives the primitives in atomic.h are carefully designed for musl's pthread implementation (which seems to me far ahead of other implementations in terms of correctness and portability). however they are not documented in the code (only in the git log) so ppl assume they understand their precise interface contract by guessing (which is usually wrong because the names are misleading). musl does not use 64-bit atomic primitives, a_and_64 and a_or_64 have secific uses in the malloc implementation which determine their semantics. 3) a_crash formally a_crash can be anything (only called if user invoked ub or underlying system broke interface contract). in practice a_crash should be __builtin_trap (i.e. the most lightweight way of terminating the process and this matters for security which is of course not c level semantics), but builtin usage is mininmized in musl which makes it possible to compile it with several c compilers with consistent behaviour (e.g. gcc does not guarantee consistent behaviour for __builtin_trap across targets and falls back to abort if a target does not have appropriate target hook defined), keeping the interface between the compiler and libc minimal is a key design choice in musl. at some point this should be cleaned up and all targets should have proper single instruction crash, but that's low priority cleanup work so on some targets this is not yet done (there are other pending atomic.h cleanup works).
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