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Message-ID: <1434874818.4728.1.camel@inria.fr>
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2015 10:20:18 +0200
From: Jens Gustedt <jens.gustedt@...ia.fr>
To: musl@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: Problem with c++ and std::thread comparison
Am Sonntag, den 21.06.2015, 17:10 +1000 schrieb Comm Unist:
> What happens when you try to call a weak symbol? Do you end up calling 0x000000.....00 depending on your arch?
Why do you ask? Could you be more specific in what problem you encounter?
> I ask because I have C++ program that uses std::threads.
> These use pthreads internally.
You mean you are using a C++ library that maps std::threads to
pthreads, or are you talking about a mapping to the musl C11 threads
implementation, that then shares code with musl's pthread
(Mapping std::threads to C11 threads should clearly be the more
appropriate choice.)
> There were two places where I have problems. One was with condtiion
> variables
Just annoncing that you have problems doesn't tell us much. Describe
your problem properly, please.
and the other with comparsion of std::thread ids:
> This changes seems to work, or does c++ not needs to check pthreads being equal?
> diff --git a/include/pthread.h b/include/pthread.h
> index 99a74a5..e97b9e4 100644
> --- a/include/pthread.h
> +++ b/include/pthread.h
> @@ -85,9 +85,7 @@ __attribute__((const))
> pthread_t pthread_self(void);
> int pthread_equal(pthread_t, pthread_t);
> -#ifndef __cplusplus
> -#define pthread_equal(x,y) ((x)==(y))
> -#endif
> +inline int pthread_equal(pthread_t a, pthread_t b) { return a == b; }
Why wouldn't just a declaration of the function prototype suffice?
The way you are doing this would clearly not work for C since this
would instantiate a version of the function in every translation unit.
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