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Message-ID: <alpine.LNX.2.11.1504241235400.2677@monopod.intra.ispras.ru> Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2015 13:23:27 +0300 (MSK) From: Alexander Monakov <amonakov@...ras.ru> To: musl@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: Resuming work on new semaphore On Thu, 23 Apr 2015, Rich Felker wrote: > Perhaps this can be patched up by saturating sem_getvalue's result? In > the case where the overflow happens it's transient, right? I think > that means discounting the overflow would be valid. But I'll need to > think about it more... Hm, can't agree here. This whole line of discussion stems from attempt to align timedwait/trywait/getvalue behavior in light of dead waiters, which are indistinguishable from preempted waiters. If "it's transient" claim can be made, it also can be used as a reason not to modify getvalue to look at val[1]. > With that said, my inclination right now is that we should hold off on > trying to commit the new semaphore for this release cycle. I've been > aiming for this month and just about everything else is in order for > release, but the semaphore rabbit-hole keeps going deeper and I think > we need to work through this properly. I hope that's not too much of a > disappointment. Ack; thankfully I don't feel disappointment in this case, this discussion has been quite entertaining. When I proposed my modification I felt it was very intuitive. What I did not grasp back then is that the definition of a waiter is not solid. How do you interpret the following? 1. Semaphore initialized to 0. There's only one thread. 2. alarm(1) 3. sem_wait() ... (in SIGALRM handler) 4. sem_post() 5. sem_getvalue() May getvalue be 0 here? At step 4, can the thread possibly "be a waiter" on the semaphore? Thanks. Alexander
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