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Message-ID: <CAGDMk9F0U4UEWDLfESQfxjWCUsN-+KPgONYARehMOguBsHsVXQ@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2015 22:30:25 -0400
From: John Mudd <johnbmudd@...il.com>
To: musl <musl@...ts.openwall.com>
Cc: John Mudd <johnbmudd@...il.com>
Subject: Re: who: /dev/null/utmp: Not a directory
> The intent was/is to avoid the creation of a utmp file since musl does not
use or support it.
That's okay. I'll just rename the "who" executable and use the rest. I
built coreutils mostly for the "sort" program. I can use the standard "who".
How about change "/dev/null/utmp" to
""/dev/null/musl_does_not_support_utmp". Same for wtmp. And add a comment
where the file is specified in the headers?
On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 5:26 PM, John Mudd <johnbmudd@...il.com> wrote:
> I got the error when trying to run "who" from musl compiled coreutils
> package. I assume there's a good reason but I have to ask...
> Why not set _PATH_UTMP to /var/run/utmp instead? Or set it at build time
> based on actual utmp location?
> ./include/paths.h:#define _PATH_UTMP "/dev/null/utmp"
> ./include/utmp.h:#define _PATH_UTMP "/dev/null/utmp"
> John
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