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Message-ID: <CAA7aPHjQrEYYQ92fSrSVTn8iCwWx0RgAj4TnOMNuew+YZbVBbA@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 10:34:22 -0500
From: stephen Turner <stephen.n.turner@...il.com>
To: musl@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: MUSL Feature Detection
On Mar 5, 2015 3:58 AM, <u-wsnj@...ey.se> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 05, 2015 at 09:33:15AM +0100, u-wsnj@...ey.se wrote:
> > On Wed, Mar 04, 2015 at 12:54:58PM -0800, William Ahern wrote:
> > > So, is there any sort of sanctioned way to detect MUSL at all,
version or no
> > > version? Is there any interest in supporting any kind of feature
> > > such as an API that communicates implementation choices wrt
unspecified and
> > > undefined behavior.
> Sorry for having made a too large citation.
> To be clear, I commented only on the part:
> > > So, is there any sort of sanctioned way to detect MUSL at all,
version or no
> > > version?
> [skipping my former message]
> As for your proposal
> > > Is there any interest in supporting any kind of feature detection,
> > > such as an API that communicates implementation choices wrt
unspecified and
> > > undefined behavior.
> I did not mean to comment on this in the previous message.
> It looks otherwise reasonable but amounts to a standardization effort
> for a new API with exactly the details intentionally omitted by
> the existing standards. This might be hard to accomplish.
> Rune
Ok im going to show my programming ignorance here.
Isnt libc a set of functions built to use I guess they are abi calls? The
short almost command looking bits like segsrv? So then if someone wanted to
test libc they would just have to write a macro or something that calls the
functions individually and uses them in a small reversible if needed test
case to say " yea we got that feature " ? That would also be good for
verifying the libc isnt corrupted assuming there isnt already some test
case like it.
Wouldnt something like that be more helpful than a libc version and a
assumption its standard full featured and unmodified?
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