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Message-ID: <53E7B3E8.5060209@midipix.org> Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 14:03:20 -0400 From: "writeonce@...ipix.org" <writeonce@...ipix.org> To: musl@...ts.openwall.com Subject: cbb build scripts for native musl toolchains Greetings, cbb (compiler building blocks) is a set of build scripts that has been written, and continues to be developed alongside the midipix project. The scripts assume an x86_64 Linux machine as the starting point from which to build gcc and clang/llvm toolchains. For each of the supported compilers, the resulting toolchains can be used either "locally" (side-by-side) and in complete isolation from one another (yet without requiring root privileges), or in a more traditional chroot environment.[*] The scripts for cbb's side-by-side gcc toolchains have now been released, and can be obtained from the project's website at http://www.midipix.org/cbb. [*] In addition to building the basic requested toolchain, each script can optionally build several commonly-used tools and dependency libraries (for a complete list, see the sample log at the project's website). Scripts are updated on an ongoing basis to reflect new releases of musl, as well as all other supported tools and libraries. Happy building, zg
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