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Message-ID: <53BFD662.5020700@barfooze.de> Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 14:19:46 +0200 From: John Spencer <maillist-musl@...fooze.de> To: Isaac Dunham <ibid.ag@...il.com> CC: musl@...ts.openwall.com, alpine-devel@...ts.alpinelinux.org, yetanothergeek@...il.com Subject: Re: Attempting to debug C++ library and command via valgrind Isaac Dunham wrote: > Hello, > I've been trying to get Sword 1.7.3 (crosswire.org/sword) running on Alpine. sword seems to have a lot of issues... the problems starts with lack of a pre-generated configure script. this forces the user to have the complete fragile autoconf stack installed. even running autogen.sh fails, because it uses AM_CONFIG_HEADER instead of AC_CONFIG_HEADER (the former is long obsolete and causes an error): configure.ac:16: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_CONFIG_HEADER patch: --- configure.ac +++ configure.ac.patched @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ AC_CANONICAL_TARGET AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE -AM_CONFIG_HEADER(include/config.h) +AC_CONFIG_HEADER(include/config.h) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) with that fixed, compilation itself succeeds, however starting the diatheke program yields - nothing, not even an error message. one thing i noticed is that it tries to dlopen any library it wants to use rather than linking it directly. if the binary doesn't find for example libsword.so, it prints no error and justs quits silently. after putting the .so's where the binary searches for them, it iterates over a gazillion of files in /share/sword/locales.d/ like zh_CN-utf8.conf and reserves memory for them - apparently it caches them all even if they're not used... then it justs quits without even trying to load the KJV file... (my guess is that it didn't find some .so it depends on and then stops somewhere where it would require the external lib functionality but has only a nullpointer). so unfortunately due to above issues, i've not been able to reproduce your problem. --JS
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