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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2013 16:17:36 -0500
From: "Anthony G. Basile" <>
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Add support for mkostemp, mkstemps and mkostemps

Okay a few points about my last patch.

1. I removed lots of unnecessary headers.

2. I tested using:

	strcpy(t, "aaaXXXXXX");
	printf("mktemp = %s\n", t);

	strcpy(t, "aaaXXXXXX");
	fd = mkstemp(t);
	printf("mkstemp = %s\n", t);

	strcpy(t, "aaaXXXXXX");
	fd = mkostemp(t, O_WRONLY|O_CLOEXEC);
	printf("mkostemp = %s\n", t);

	strcpy(t, "aaaXXXXXXzzz");
	fd = mkstemps(t, 3);
	printf("mkstemps = %s\n", t);

	strcpy(t, "aaaXXXXXXzzz");
	fd = mkostemps(t, 3, O_WRONLY|O_CLOEXEC);
	printf("mkostemps = %s\n", t);

3. I went with Szabolcs' function to generate entropy:

	for (i=0; i<6; i++, r>>=5)
		template[i] = 'A'+(r&15)+(r&16)*2;

I think we can commit this (baring any other problems) and think about 
improving it in the future.  As I said before, uclibc/glibc give 
filenames which include:

static const char letters[] =

while 'A'+(r&15)+(r&16)*2 gives A-P a-p. So the space of names for the 
former is 62^6 while for the latter is 32^6.

Anthony G. Basile, Ph. D.
Chair of Information Technology
D'Youville College
Buffalo, NY 14201
(716) 829-8197

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