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Message-ID: <a0da67b1-9138-8e9d-51b9-3ac91766dcbb@riseup.net> Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2020 18:56:58 +0000 From: Patrick Schleizer <adrelanos@...eup.net> To: lkrg-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: Debian packaging Solar Designer: > Do you want to possibly maintain a Debian package of LKRG for others? > Maybe maintain a debian/ subdirectory in our upstream LKRG tree? May I suggest comparing your /debian subdirectory with the one that I created? https://github.com/Whonix/lkrg/tree/master/debian ...the packaging is pretty stable and well tested by now. Some other goodies such as working well with VirtualBox, tirdad, other modules, systemd, Debian lintian --pedantic warning free, no hacks as far as I know. copyright / license: same as upstream. (I.e. I don't claim copyright for /debian subdirectory. Consider copyright of /debian subdirectory assigned to Adam. That is for simplicity. Also my contribution / lines of code is tiny to the giant efforts by upstream.) Would honor me if added to upstream LKRG. > There's currently a Debian package in Whonix, but there's no intent to > bring that into Debian proper. Available for installation on Debian too, but not packages.debian.org indeed. > As discussed with Patrick of Whonix, an issue with that is that > there won't be a way to update to new upstream versions in stable Debian > branches, so any LKRG bugs would either end up staying intact there or > would need back-ports of fixes for, which someone would need to work on. Once in Debian stable (or when testing is "frozen") Debian wants security fixes only. Which non-security bug fixes go into Debian stable isn't trivial to explain. I don't try. While I can't find any cannonball (on website) statement, there is this mailing list discussion: https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2014/06/msg00311.html Cheers, Patrick
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