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Message-ID: <a781ab17-43ec-d791-26f0-a466ab6e7ac3@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2020 17:36:49 +0200
From: Mikhail Morfikov <mmorfikov@...il.com>
To: lkrg-users@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: The lkrg.service for systemd
You provide the lkrg.service file for systemd. It basically loads/unloads the
LKRG module and currently has the following boot dependencies:
There's another service called systemd-modules-load.service which takes care
of loading any modules defined in /etc/modules or /etc/modules-load.d/ . It
has the following deps:
Before=sysinit.target shutdown.target
The difference here is *basic.target* vs. *sysinit.target* . According to[1]
sysinit.target is a way earlier in the boot chain than basic.target. In the
case of my system, systemd-modules-load.service is started almost at the
beginning of the boot phase, and the network.target (which is in Before= in
lkrg.service) is almost at the end of the boot process.
Wouldn't be better to use the same deps as in systemd-modules-load.service ?
What about other inits? Not all of the available init systems use this
.service file. Maybe is it better to provide a file with the module name and
place it under /etc/modules-load.d/ , so all the inits be supported? What do
you think?
[1]: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/bootup.html
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