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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 19:25:24 +0200
From: Andrea <>
Subject: Re: How to debug segmentation fault using OpenCL and

Hi Alexander,

On 02/09/2024 20:28, Solar Designer wrote:
> Hi Andrea,
> On Mon, Sep 02, 2024 at 08:01:09PM +0200, Andrea wrote:
>> I have just recently started to learn using JtR tool and I would like to
>> enable OpenCL capabilities.
>> Unfortunately, running some tests, I'm always getting segmentation fault
>> error; I would like to understand the best way to debug the issue and
>> track it down to understand if the issue is related to either ROCM,
>> OpenCL or JtR (or a mix of them).
> In our experience, on AMD GPUs it is "normal" to have a few failing
> formats.  So if you run tests of many/all formats and only a few fail,
> you just accept it's that way with your current combination of GPU and
> driver.  AMD's software is just poor.
> We sometimes try and workaround individual bugs, but we've long since
> accepted that some formats will be failing on AMD.  If you want all to
> work at once (with the same driver version, etc.), get NVIDIA.  We do
> get to 100% passing tests on NVIDIA, but (as I recall) never on AMD.
> That said, it is also possible that in your case the problem is
> different.  So if you determine that _all_ formats are failing like
> that, then it makes sense to look into the cause (e.g., incorrect driver
> or JtR installation) and fix that.  From your testing of just one
> format, we can't tell.
>> Example of command and related error:
>> john --test=0 --format=sha256crypt-opencl
>> Device 1: gfx90c:xnack- [AMD Radeon Graphics]
>> Testing: sha256crypt-opencl, crypt(3) $5$ (rounds=5000) [SHA256
>> OpenCL]... Build log: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-I
>> opencl' [-Wunused-command-line-argument]
>> 1 warning generated.
>> Segmentation fault
> It is unusual that this specific format fails.  It normally works:
> $ ./john --test=0 --format=sha256crypt-opencl
> Device 1: gfx900 [Radeon RX Vega]
> Testing: sha256crypt-opencl, crypt(3) $5$ (rounds=5000) [SHA256 OpenCL]... PASS
> So please try testing other formats.
Unfortunately no test is passing whatever test I select using OpenCL
> Alexander

It's really a bit of a mess to enter the world of computation on GPU on 

I did some more trials, I will share, hoping it could be useful for someone.

1. I didn't share my setup; I'm playing with this stuff on an Asus PN50 
with integrated Ryzen 5 GPU (not the best in terms of performance, still 
this is what I have by hand). Moreover, having a look to ROCM 
documentation, it seems my detected board (gfx90c) is not supported, 
neither by ROCM nor by proprietary AMDGPU-PRO driver. Still, I wanted to 
check if OpenCL by itself, not throughout JtR, is working on reporting 
any error.

2. Found on the net a tool named OpenCL-Benchmark to do some benchmark 
on OpenCL:; another 
issue, it crashed due to VRAM size.

3. This triggered to me the question: how can I increase VRAM, that 
actually is shared memory used also by the main CPUs; found that no 
option was available within former BIOS version, so I updated the BIOS 
with the latest available on Asus website and now I have one more option 
in BIOS setup; so I moved VRAM from 512 MB to 2 GB.

4. Rerun OpenCL-Benchmark (which was failing at point 2) with good 
result, nice! (see attachment, good means it is just working ...)

5. Now, how can I be sure the tool is not, by chance, using CPU instead 
of GPU? Found another interesting tool to monitor AMD GPU, amdgpu_top: Normally GPU is doing almost 
no significant operation, but I started the benchmark and the tool 
reported GPU processing stuff sky-rocketing to 100% of usage, nice!

6. Here maybe I'm wrong, but the chain to me is JtR -> OpenCL -> ROCM, 
so this should mean ROCM is working if OpenCL can be benchmarked, and 
here things are becoming interesting: I have installed rocRAND, which tells me the list of supported 
GPU (gfxNNN), where gfx90c is not listed (ref. point 1). Indeed, the 
tool didn't work on my setup at first, but I wanted to give it a try 
and, googling a little, I found an interesting macro 
HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION, which let me to override the detected; another 
surprise, selecting either gfx906 or gfx908, the tool started to work 
(GPU usage monitored by amdgpu_top as per previous tests), nice! My 
explanation: probably the involved commands towards GPU are "similar 
enough" to work, kind of common ground for these GPUs.

7. And now, the final step: let's try to use the previous macro so, 
instead of this:

john --test=0 --format=sha256crypt-opencl
Device 1: gfx90c:xnack- [AMD Radeon Graphics]
Testing: sha256crypt-opencl, crypt(3) $5$ (rounds=5000) [SHA256 
OpenCL]... Segmentation fault

Let's try with this:

HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=9.0.8 john --test=0 --format=sha256crypt-opencl
Device 1: gfx908:sramecc-:xnack- [AMD Radeon Graphics]
Testing: sha256crypt-opencl, crypt(3) $5$ (rounds=5000) [SHA256 
OpenCL]... Build log: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-I 
opencl' [-Wunused-command-line-argument]
1 warning generated.
Segmentation fault

Ops, this is not a good (enough) work-around; I can see gfx908 is 
forced instead of using gfx90c, but it is still not enough, the fact 
ROCM doesn't support gfx90c here seems to be a blocking point.

Hope I have provided at least some good tools reference to play with 
this stuff, I will try some more stuff and (wait or prey?) for ROCM 
gfx90c support (even if I guess there is no much interest to use GPU in 
this integrated devices).


View attachment "asus-pn50-2GB-VRAM.log" of type "text/x-log" (2480 bytes)

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