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Message-ID: <b068f43ca4194f0280a676bd3bccda8c@SVEX0103.Legacy01.LegacyBank.com> Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 22:13:44 +0000 From: David Taylor <DavidT@...acybank.com> To: "'john-users@...ts.openwall.com'" <john-users@...ts.openwall.com> Subject: No password hashes loaded Hi, According to the FAQ it looks like I should be able to run against arbitrary hashes with each being on their own line, however, I am attempting to do this but I keep getting "No password hashes loaded" error. I'm sure it's a simple, stupid easy problem to fix but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I am running on Ubuntu 19.04 and I'm attempting to use Argon2 hasher (argon2id algorithm). According to https://github.com/magnumripper/JohnTheRipper/issues/2650 looks like it should work and I'm trying to use the same formula for the input. I'm using the command ./john hashed.txt hashed.txt contents are (don't worry, not my password): $argon2id$m=700000,t=1,p=8$5274b08d96f0109f62db9fa5a8147983$495732a345806653919fa3d1c59b827a984479bbf21da46cdf3cd15986cd28 Build info: Version: 1.9.0-jumbo-1+bleeding-6b14c5ab4 2019-11-15 14:46:38 +0100 Build: linux-gnu 64-bit x86_64 AVX AC MPI + OMP SIMD: AVX, interleaving: MD4:3 MD5:3 SHA1:1 SHA256:1 SHA512:1 CPU tests: AVX $JOHN is ./ Format interface version: 14 Max. number of reported tunable costs: 4 Rec file version: REC4 Charset file version: CHR3 CHARSET_MIN: 1 (0x01) CHARSET_MAX: 255 (0xff) CHARSET_LENGTH: 24 SALT_HASH_SIZE: 1048576 SINGLE_IDX_MAX: 32768 SINGLE_BUF_MAX: 4294967295 Effective limit: Max. KPC 32768 Max. Markov mode level: 400 Max. Markov mode password length: 30 gcc version: 8.3.0 GNU libc version: 2.29 (loaded: 2.29) Crypto library: OpenSSL OpenSSL library version: 01010102f OpenSSL 1.1.1b 26 Feb 2019 GMP library version: 6.1.2 File locking: fcntl() fseek(): fseek ftell(): ftell fopen(): fopen memmem(): System's times(2) sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) is 100 Using times(2) for timers, resolution 10 ms HR timer claimed resolution 1 ns, observed 729 ns Total physical host memory: 7674 MB Available physical host memory: 5648 MB descrypt, bsdicrypt, md5crypt, md5crypt-long, bcrypt, scrypt, LM, AFS, tripcode, AndroidBackup, adxcrypt, agilekeychain, aix-ssha1, aix-ssha256, aix-ssha512, andOTP, ansible, argon2, as400-des, as400-ssha1, asa-md5, AxCrypt, AzureAD, BestCrypt, bfegg, Bitcoin, BitLocker, bitshares, Bitwarden, BKS, Blackberry-ES10, WoWSRP, Blockchain, chap, Clipperz, cloudkeychain, dynamic_n, cq, CRC32, sha1crypt, sha256crypt, sha512crypt, Citrix_NS10, dahua, dashlane, diskcryptor, Django, django-scrypt, dmd5, dmg, dominosec, dominosec8, DPAPImk, dragonfly3-32, dragonfly3-64, dragonfly4-32, dragonfly4-64, Drupal7, eCryptfs, eigrp, electrum, EncFS, enpass, EPI, EPiServer, ethereum, fde, Fortigate256, Fortigate, FormSpring, FVDE, geli, gost, gpg, HAVAL-128-4, HAVAL-256-3, hdaa, hMailServer, hsrp, IKE, ipb2, itunes-backup, iwork, KeePass, keychain, keyring, keystore, known_hosts, krb4, krb5, krb5asrep, krb5pa-sha1, krb5tgs, krb5-17, krb5-18, krb5-3, kwallet, lp, lpcli, leet, lotus5, lotus85, LUKS, MD2, mdc2, MediaWiki, monero, money, MongoDB, scram, Mozilla, mscash, mscash2, MSCHAPv2, mschapv2-naive, krb5pa-md5, mssql, mssql05, mssql12, multibit, mysqlna, mysql-sha1, mysql, net-ah, nethalflm, netlm, netlmv2, net-md5, netntlmv2, netntlm, netntlm-naive, net-sha1, nk, notes, md5ns, nsec3, NT, o10glogon, o3logon, o5logon, ODF, Office, oldoffice, OpenBSD-SoftRAID, openssl-enc, oracle, oracle11, Oracle12C, osc, ospf, Padlock, Palshop, Panama, PBKDF2-HMAC-MD4, PBKDF2-HMAC-MD5, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512, PDF, PEM, pfx, pgpdisk, pgpsda, pgpwde, phpass, PHPS, PHPS2, pix-md5, PKZIP, po, postgres, PST, PuTTY, pwsafe, qnx, RACF, RACF-KDFAES, radius, RAdmin, RAKP, rar, RAR5, Raw-SHA512, Raw-Blake2, Raw-Keccak, Raw-Keccak-256, Raw-MD4, Raw-MD5, Raw-MD5u, Raw-SHA1, Raw-SHA1-AxCrypt, Raw-SHA1-Linkedin, Raw-SHA224, Raw-SHA256, Raw-SHA3, Raw-SHA384, ripemd-128, ripemd-160, rsvp, Siemens-S7, Salted-SHA1, SSHA512, sapb, sapg, saph, sappse, securezip, 7z, Signal, SIP, skein-256, skein-512, skey, SL3, Snefru-128, Snefru-256, LastPass, SNMP, solarwinds, SSH, sspr, Stribog-256, Stribog-512, STRIP, SunMD5, SybaseASE, Sybase-PROP, tacacs-plus, tcp-md5, telegram, tezos, Tiger, tc_aes_xts, tc_ripemd160, tc_ripemd160boot, tc_sha512, tc_whirlpool, vdi, OpenVMS, vmx, VNC, vtp, wbb3, whirlpool, whirlpool0, whirlpool1, wpapsk, wpapsk-pmk, xmpp-scram, xsha, xsha512, ZIP, ZipMonster, plaintext, has-160, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA224, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384, HMAC-SHA512, dummy, crypt Confidentiality Statement This email is intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential or otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law. 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